The busier life gets, the less we tend to the things that “matter less;” we expend more of our energy towards the things we find more crucial: work, education, raising children, and family. It’s like a Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs type of conflict as we initially sought to meet certain wants and needs before anything else.
As an example, many mothers are more likely to make sure their children are fed before themselves. Likewise, a highly-motivated college student at a top university may be more likely to emphasize studying over getting proper sleep. We each have our own Hierarchy of Needs and what we prioritize as most important.
As for a woman named Cathy, her appearance became stagnant while she was raising her children, so stagnant that she still had her hairdo from the 80s and old, casual clothing no longer in style by the time 2018 came along. While there is absolutely nothing wrong with liking a certain style or not being open to making physical changes if you’re happy in your skin, Cathy’s daughter, Kayla Fidler, had her mom go on the Rachel Ray Show for a special, well-deserving makeover.
Interestingly, we learn that Cathy isn’t necessarily not wanting to change, but instead, she’s afraid of it because everything boils down to the unknown and whether or not the unknown will actually be worse than what she lives with now. Cathy says she refrained from cutting her hair and hasn’t even stepped foot in a salon in at least 25 years.
Fortunately, the woman decided to follow through with the makeover. And, she looks like a whole new woman once she’s through with it! She comes out with shorter hair, a full face of makeup, a s**y red dress, and leopard-print heels. Hot!
The makeover was so shocking that Cathy’s daughter shed some tears when she saw her for the first time. Even Cathy was stunned by looking at herself, as she traded baggy clothing and overgrown hair for a slim-fit dress and a modern hairstyle!
“Holy man, she looks amazing,” proclaims Rachel Ray.
All in all, Cathy’s makeover is living proof that even when you’re scared to switch things up, sometimes just going for it can help you to be your best self. It’s okay to fear change. In fact, it’s okay to not change. But, when change is holding the true you back, that’s when it’s vital to combat it and move forward. I applaud her bravery!
To see the intense makeover, check out the video below. You won’t believe the transition!