Food Archive

Fudge Recipe Has Only Two Ingredients

Creamy pumpkin butterscotch, pecan toffee, triple chocolate, peanut butter chocolate, cookies and cream – I could keep going here, but for your sake and mine, I’ll stop teasing because I’m already starting to drool! When it comes to fudge, you can’t go wrong. It satisfies …

How To Make Buffalo Chicken Dip In A Crockpot

If there’s something I look forward to every weekend, it has to be experimenting with various recipes in my free time. I love to open up a cookbook and see if there’s anything fun I can make and then serve it to the company I’ve …

How To Make Root Beer Pulled Pork

I love to cook and use various techniques to get things done in the kitchen. But, of everything that I could do, I never used a slow cooker until my mom introduced me to it a couple of years ago. Now, I will admit, that …

How 10 Pizzas Are Made Around The World

Confession time: I can have pizza for all three of my meals — every single day. I had pizza for dinner last night, and it wasn’t just a boring pepperoni pizza, either. It was a chicken and bacon pizza with barbecue sauce instead of tomato. …