Dog Gets Jealous When His Sister Gets Ear Drops

When you were a kid, did you ever get jealous when one of your siblings received something you didn’t? While it seems petty at times, siblings generally want equal treatment. They want to receive the same amount of attention, presents on birthdays and holidays, and servings of food. Sound familiar?

But it turns out, just like many children, pets can also show signs of jealousy when they realize they aren’t getting the same treatment as others. In fact, in one viral video with over 18 million views, a Labrador retriever by the name of Cache was not too happy when he saw his canine sister receiving ear drops by his owner!

So, the video starts by showing Cache inches away from his sister, as daddy was tending to her infected ears. Notice how Cache was continuously looking over at the ear drop incident, and then quickly looking away. (Isn’t that what people usually do when they see something that’s bothering them? They pretend that it’s not really affecting them, right?) Sorry Cache, but you aren’t fooling anybody!

The second thing I noticed in the video was that Cache was blinking hard and quite frequently. If you’re a pet owner, you probably notice that when your cat or dog blinks like this, it sometimes indicates that they’re emotionally hurt. I know from my own experience when I accidentally step on one of my cats’ tails, they blink at me differently as if I betrayed them. That’s the vibe I was getting from Cache.

But the next thing you know, his sister is told that she’s all done and she takes off. However, the ear drop session is not over yet as Cache naively steps up to the plate for “his turn.”

Of course, Cache doesn’t really need ear drops. But, in an effort to make him feel better, the man decided to give the dog pretend ear drops. Smart move!

To top it off, Cache’s owner even rubbed his ears after “putting the drops” in his ears. “All done,” announced his owner after the brief ear massage.

Overall, I think the video was absolutely adorable. Cache reminds me of myself when I was a little girl, sometimes getting jealous when my brother would get something that I wouldn’t. In the end, I think jealousy often arises when there’s a misunderstanding on our part. Nevertheless, Cache’s reaction to the ear drops did put a smile on my face, and I hope it does for you too!

To see the adorable ear drop clip, watch the video below. Thought it was cute? Hit that ‘share’ button after watching!

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