Perhaps this is just me, but as I go about my daily life I’m always curious about the other people around me and what their lives are like. The woman a few tables away at Starbucks — I wonder who she is chatting with through her headphones? The man reading on his iPad — what is he reading and what are his favorite books?
We’re all so busy with our own lives that we may forget that everyone around us also has their own full, busy, and possibly overwhelming lives. We may be struggling with something that we don’t share outside of our closest friends and family, but they probably are, too. All of the people around us have their own lives with low points and high points.
I’ve also come to realize that if I take the time to get to know people, I may find out something interesting about them that I wouldn’t know unless I put in the effort. I’m always happily surprised to learn when people have special interests or talents that are completely unexpected. The people around us whose lives we are curious about may actually have something very unique to share with the world.
That’s how I feel about the two teenagers in this video — they have this amazing talent, but you wouldn’t know unless you bothered to watch them. Even the video is very unassuming. It seems that when most people share videos or even just photos on social media, they are produced in some way. Most people want to show only the best parts of their lives.
So, we see perfectly clean and decorated rooms that aren’t normal. The subjects in the videos or photos have perfect clothing, hair, and makeup and are artfully posed.
That’s what I love about the teens in this video — they just look real.
As one Youtube commenter puts it:
“I’ve seriously listened to this probably 10 times.. with all the nonsense we’re seeing in the media today… it feels good to hear something soulful and real..thanks for this.”
The duo performs in a messy kitchen, sitting in their chairs. They look like regular kids and like they aren’t worried about producing a shiny video. All that matters is their voices. They may look perfectly normal but when they begin to sing they show us that they are anything but that.
Watch their gorgeous performance of “Hero” in the video below!