What would you do if you were casually driving up an interstate highway and saw that a truck in front of you was trailing wads of cash? Would you pull over and take it as your lucky day as you pocket some cash? Or, would you try to get the driver’s attention and tell him/her that the cash they’re carrying is now sprawled all over the highway?! People may have mixed answers, but let me tell you what the public did when this actually happened.
Earlier this week, a Brinks truck carrying money was traveling on an interstate in Indiana. Everything seemed to be fine until people started noticing large amounts of cash on the side of the highway. It just so happened that a door was left ajar, and $600,000 came spilling out.
Reporters and witnesses explain that the scene was chaotic. People were pulling over from all directions to get their hands on some of the cash. While many took off with as much as they can, police are looking for a specific car that took a bag full of the money. They say that for anyone who has taken money from the side of the road, it is considered theft.
They’re hoping that people will come in one-by-one and turn in the money. If they do, no one will be questioned or charged.
But, not everyone considered it right to take off with a handful of $20 bills. There were people who stopped to see what was happening and then informed the cops about the situation. Things were quite chaotic until the police showed up.
Now this is a news report that you don’t hear of every day!
Click on the link below to watch the footage of money laying all around the interstate and one woman’s encounter with the scene!