I have seen, and even taken part in, many talent shows. It’s always fun to be backstage and be a part of the positive energy that surrounds each performer/group; however, I also like being a part of the audience. When you’re at a show as a guest, you get to see everything from a different perspective. Each show is happening right in front of you, and you enjoy it better when you’re not watching from backstage. Agreed?
I think the audience was glad that they got to experience the show below live and with good seats because it’s rare that you’ll see something like it year after year, at a talent show.
The video starts off with six boys sitting on the stage with jeans, white tees, and sunglasses on. Then the young man on the left starts to snap. Not long after that, all the other guys follow suit and eventually they’re all snapping. But, not for long! This skit is more than just sitting on a chair and snapping your fingers.
Although there is no singing or musical instruments involved, the boys put on an impressive performance that is in tune and even somewhat musical. It’s interesting to watch how they engage the audience with just the sounds that they make with their hands, and it’s clear that the watchers are very amused.
What are some of the note-worthy talent show performances you’ve seen? We’d love to hear about them in the comments below.
In the meantime, click on the link below and watch this fantastic group.