Victim Loses Wallet With $1,700 And The Cash Seems To Have An Interesting Fate

We’ve all heard the heartbreaking stories of someone losing their wallet, only to have their cash, I.D., and even their family photos tucked into their purse gone forever. Worst of all, the wallet usually never goes completely missing; someone tends to find it and selfishly keep it as their own. If (and that’s a firm if) the lost wallet falls into the right hands, the individual who lost their wallet may be lucky enough to at least get that back.

When the victim in this story lost their wallet with a whopping $1,700, you bet the victim thought it’s gone forever, and so did we. Can you imagine losing that chunk of cash?!

But that’s where this story is a little different. Just when the victim thought all was lost (including his nice wad of cash), life had a different plan in mind. Miraculously, the wallet was found by an eight-year-old boy on November 11, 2017. Yes, an eight-year-old by the name of Frankie Burns, who resides in Washingtonville, New York.

Little Frankie spotted the wallet on the grass when he and his football team arrived at a playoff game. Instead of sneakily shoving the wallet into his football pants, as perhaps most young kids might do, he handed it to his father with the goal to find the rightful owner. And yes, Frankie and his father knew there were several hundred-dollar bills in the wallet!

After tracking down the owner via a dental appointment card found in the wallet, the boy and his father were able to get in contact with the rightful owner and return it. After all, that is a lot of money! It could have really helped out Frankie and his family, surely. But it seems like this kid has something special about him. His dad raised him well.

Now, you probably think the story is set and done, right? Fortunately, I’ve left a little juice for you to savor…when you watch the video below. There’s more to this beautiful story that you just can’t miss. Besides sheer happiness, the video also describes the misfortunes that had happened to the victim and explained what the victim does when his wallet is returned to him. There truly is kindness in the world if you stop to slow down and appreciate the things that unfold around you.

Be sure after watching the video!

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