Bears Try To Break Into The House And Stop When Young Boy Plays Violin

I’ve never had an up close and personal experience with a bear and I’d like to keep it that way for as long as possible. Where I live, we do have the occasional black bear wander through our property. But, because there is plenty of open land, the few bears in the area are more likely to stick to places where they won’t run into a human being.

However, nearly every neighbor has a story about the bear or bears that they saw or the trash cans that were knocked over in the middle of the night. The local black bears are mostly afraid of humans, but it’s important to give them space, especially if there is a mother bear with her cubs. If she feels her cubs are threatened, she’s likely to act aggressively towards a person or another animal.

Fortunately for the folks filming this video, it wasn’t them or their home that was in any immediate danger from bears. The interesting bear encounter occurred in Incline Valley, Nevada, USA. Brad Lewis was driving his family when he noticed a family of bears next to an abandoned-looking home. The mama bear was busy attempting to break into the home’s garage, while her two cubs waited nearby.

She worked slowly and methodically, as bears do, but she was causing some pretty real damage. She had already begun to destroy much of the wood on the door and it wouldn’t be long until she made her way inside.

Brad recounted the situation:

“We were on our way to shoot photos and video our nephew playing the violin when we came across this family of black bears apparently trying to break into the garage of a vacant home. We thought it would be interesting to see if they would stop if they heard the violin, so we rolled down the window and let it rip.”

The family was smart and gave the little bear family plenty of space — they were never in any real danger. It was simply an experiment to see how the bears would react.

Well, it turns out the bears aren’t big fans of the violin. The boy played well, and though the bears tried to ignore it at first, they eventually stopped their destruction and moved away. Perhaps if they played a song that the bears liked, they would have been more willing to stick around!

Watch the amazing wildlife encounter in the video below!

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