I remember my very first encounter with a dog. Before this mishap, I had always seen one from afar (like across the street from me) and had never been up close and personal. I was once going door-to-door collecting money for a school fundraiser, right on my street, when I approached a home that I knew housed a dog. I rang the doorbell and instantly heard loud barks and a light pitter-patter coming straight towards the front door. How bad could it be, I thought to myself. The homeowner took a little bit of time getting to the front door, and I can hear the dog inside barking and then making its way back to whatever he was doing. It probably figured that the stranger at the door, me, was gone.
Then, the owner opened the door and I started my explanation of why I was at their door, right before supper, asking for donations. As I’m explaining more about our fundraiser, all I see behind the woman at the door is her big, white dog charging towards me. He had this look in his eyes and he lept in the air as he approached the front door. I instantly dropped all my forms, and the money that I had collected, and ran for my life.
That was my number one mistake. The dog ran right after me, and before I knew it, I was indulged in a game of chase with this pup. He was cute and fluffy, but the reason he was running after me with a mean look in his eyes and his tongue hanging out, was beyond me. Now I know that I should have just stayed put. If he smelled me and understood that I’m safe to be around, maybe the story would have ended differently.
Oh, how it ended? I ended up running right back home, my papers and loose change all scattered throughout my street. Thankfully, my dad was out watering the lawn and he took control of the situation the moment I was in sight.
The reason that I’m telling this story is that we all have different reactions when it comes to meeting animals. The one above was mine, and below, in video format, we share with you the reaction of a little boy. He’s meeting a bunch of Corgies for the first time. I can guarantee he had better luck than I did, he was much more composed than me, too!
Click below to watch this meeting unfold.