4-Year-Old Is Tired Of Cold And Asks Jesus For Help

Since we’re in the summer months, there are some of us who sometimes look out and think, “Man, I wish the weather was a little cooler right now!” At times, I don’t blame those who think this way because the grueling heat can get to you, too! But, of course, the winter weather comes with its own set of issues: freezing temperature, ice storms, and the ever-so-dreaded snow.

Lots of people like snow—the ice skating, snowman building, and snowball fights—but if there’s anything that everyone can agree with it is that they all loathe shoveling it up and out of the streets and their driveways. It’s a task at hand every single time it snows, and really, there’s no getting out of it. How else will you get your car out of the driveway? It’s impossible to tunnel through a snow bank at the edge of your driveway, that’s for sure! So, in light of this, here’s a four-year-old that’s no different from those people.

All this little boy wanted to do was play in the snow, but after shoveling for ten minutes, he did not like it at all. He wasn’t enjoying the freezing weather or the task at hand. What happens in this clip has the world cracking up! So, let me give you a play by play of this fantastic viral video.

This kid starts off, in the video, shoveling snow, and after a few seconds, he looks up to the sky and lets out a groan of anger and frustration. He proceeds to look back down, and a scowl grows on his face, clearly annoyed with the cold climate.

He, once again, lifts his head up to the heavens, and from the top of his lungs screams, “Jesus make it warm!” with such fierceness and seriousness no 4-year-old should have! When he becomes aware of the lack of melting snow and sun in the sky that isn’t blocked by grey clouds, he goes back to shoveling with a scowling face.

My guess is a, “What can you do?” question ran through his mind, and he realized he just had to deal with it.

Needless to say that this 24-second video is hilarious. This little boy is just so angry at the fact that he has to shovel snow when he’d much rather it be warm.

If you want to watch this short clip, here it is!

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