Dancers Appear To “Float” With Dance Technique

I am amazed at all the kinds of dances there are across the globe. With so many cultures, each one equipped with their own kind of dance, sometimes, even more, it’s no wonder I keep learning about new ones. Take Russia for example, they are known for their intricately choreographed and highly advanced ballet, and that’s only one out of the many other kinds of dances they have, including all of the different kinds of folk dancing which are a very important part of the culture.

And this particular type is no different. The Berezka Ensemble is a Russian dance troupe performing a one-of-a-kind folk dance that is hypnotizing to watch. They’ve got top secret moves that make their performance extra special.

Perfectly timed, 24 women dressed in pristine white from head to toe appear under the blue light on stage. Their headpieces are studded with glimmering crystals sparkling in the dim light. They are huddled together but break apart when the lights turn from blue to white to take formation, except these ladies move differently than other dancers.

If you look closely, you’ll notice these women appear to be gliding. Rather than seeing how they actually move across the floor, supposedly, this illusion is created by taking tiny gliding steps. This limited movement done underneath the long and wide bell of the skirts makes it look like they are hovering and floating just above the floor. There’s no hopping, jumping or skipping, and while there must be some fancy footwork going on under their special hooped skirts, onlookers can’t actually see how it’s done!

The Berezka dance originated in 1948 and has been a crowd-pleaser ever since. These “floating steps” is what makes their form of dance so memorable and different from the rest. In fact, these women have been sworn to secrecy about their technique, never letting on how it’s done. The exact technique has never been shared, and they keep it closely guarded amongst themselves.

While the beginning is slow, the music and dancing pick up speed as the women glide across the stage, weaving in and out of each other and throwing up their arms. Their routine is seamless! Their movements are fluid and seem to transpire without a hitch. The performance ends in the same huddled position as they started in, and the music comes to a close. It’s simply beautiful to watch, and something very different to experience!

Click below to see this amazing troupe of “levitating” Russian dancers take over the stage and wow the audience.

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