Man Explains The Significance Of Bent Trees

When snow is forecasted for the coming day, everyone wishes that spring would be just around the corner. We long for days when the sun is, there is ample brightness warmth, and the wind just isn’t quite as cold. The frigid, silent evenings and nights should be replaced by the sounds of birds and animals in the trees and peepers near the creeks.

With the warmer weather, many people, myself included, will spend more time outside. While I’m not a big hiker, I certainly enjoy a short, scenic hike in one of the National Forests within a few hours of my house. The chances are that on one of those hikes I’ll see a bent tree.

I’ve noticed many crooked trees before, but I’ve never really thought much about it. I assumed that they grew that way naturally. But I was wrong. There is more to it than “nothing,” and we’re about to explain that to you right now.

The official American Forests site explains that the Native Americans used bent trees as trail markers. They used straps to tie down the trees and, after years of being kept at a certain angle, the trees actually grew with a permanent bend.

Native Americans recognized these bends as natural arrows and as a way to mark safe paths. The site explained this further: “Native Americans would bend young trees to create permanent trail markers, designating safe paths through rough country and pointing travelers toward water, food or other important landmarks. Over the years, the trees have grown, keeping their original shape, but with their purpose all but forgotten as modern life sprang up around them.”

Unfortunately, because many of these trees are approaching the end of their lifespan, and more and more trees are being removed to make room for more houses, these bent trees are disappearing. When you see one, know that you see a part of history! So, when this happens, pose with the tree and take a picture. It’ll be great to keep a memory of the time you stood beside a part of nature that is such a landmark in the forest.

Have you seen any bent trees while on a hike? Tell us about your experiences in the comments!

This is amazing information! Watch the video below about a bent tree and see how amazing nature can be!

Article source: FaithTap

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