Family Of Bears Take A Dip In The Pool

Who doesn’t love a good pool party? Hot summer day, cool, refreshing water. Family, friends, music, and watermelon slices. I love how everyone comes together to bring food, and splish splash. And, you don’t even have to go into the pool! If more sun and less water is your thing, you can still have fun from the sidelines sitting on your sun lounger. Nothing like laying out a big thick towel and starfishing with a nice pina colada in your hand.

My favorite always has been, and always will be, a water slide! They’re good for hours of entertainment, and after watching this video, I can see that I’m not the only one who loves making a sliding-in entrance!

From Rockaway Township, New Jersey, USA, the Basso family beats the summer heat with an above-ground swimming pool. While it’s usually the family and their friends who go dipping in the pool, the Bassos were recently kicked out, and a new family came in. A mama bear and her 5 young cubs were looking for a break from the heat when lo and behold, a glorious pool uninhabited by humans came into view. They emerged from the woods and helped themselves to their own VIP pool.

It’s like hitting the jackpot! This backyard is a mini wonderland for bears. Along with the pool come floaties, a water slide and not too far away, there’s a swing set, too! From inside, the curious Basso family looked on, mom catching it ALL on camera. She gets everything from mama bear already in the water and her cubs adorably trying to follow suit, to when one of the other cubs tries to get a hold of the floaty but gets spooked when it drops and almost hits him.

A once clear and blue pool turns murky when all the bears get in. Well, at least they’re clean now! “The pool is so dirty,” mom jokes as she films. “There’s going to be hair everywhere,” the daughter chimes in. And, she’s definitely not wrong! They’re having such a great time, even the babies are trying to figure out how the slide works! That’s one adventurous cub!

But, all good things must come to an end, and like any good party, there’s a curfew. The one good thing about this pool party, however? The bears don’t have to do any of the cleanup! They get to show up, party and leave. Not bad, guys!

Click below to watch the bears party hard! These guys sure are nervy, but it pays off for them – they picked a house with a pretty cool and understanding family.

Source: Shareably

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