Dog Plays Fetch With Trampoline

Dogs are all over YouTube and social media, and it’s no surprise that they are. Between the funny or adorable things that they do, to the way that they take care of babies, videos of them are popular on the Internet and all for good reason.

The thing about dogs is that you don’t get tired of watching them. They always have something new to show you, and when you’re watching, you’re never bored. The video below is another clip of a pup, and this one will make you feel impressed and make you laugh at the same time.

Meet Bear, a pup who definitely knows how to get creative when he’s bored. In fact, he’s invented something that not even a human could think of.

At the beginning of the video, Bear is seen standing on the left side of a trampoline with a ball in his mouth. He lets go of the ball and lets it roll before diving underneath the trampoline to hit the ball with his nose. He makes the ball bounce until it reaches the other side, and then he sneaks out from under the trampoline to catch it.

When he catches the ball, he goes underneath the trampoline and back to the right. When he gets there, he repeats the process, but this time hits it twice with his nose so that it goes flying off the trampoline. However, Bear catches it just as fast.

Before he hits the ball from underneath, he keeps an eye on it to make sure that he actually hits it to make it bounce and have it reach the other end. Towards the end of the video, the ball gets stuck and doesn’t move, and he waits for it to roll so that he can hit it. Genius.

Everyone, he’s come up with a game of fetch for one! Isn’t this a smart dog? He repeats this process a couple more times, clearly entertained with the game he’s just come up with.

One person commented under the YouTube video saying, “What a share! Thanks. Wonder what he’ll come up with next… dogs driving?” We love this comment! Who knows, right? Another commenter under the video remarked, “He seems so happy!” We totally agree, and we think you will, too.

If you’d like to see Bear happily playing fetch by himself, watch the video below!

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