Bear Sneaks Into Backyard And Enjoys A Drink And Jacuzzi Swim

I’ve got a big backyard. A really big backyard with lots of grass, a long garden and trees and shrubs and hedges that line the back. Some of the trees are so big and so wide, it would take 5 people to wrap their arms around it. Let’s just say my backyard is a mini forest. And with any forest, we know what lives in one – all sorts of creatures! You never know what you can discover in the wilderness, that’s how Snow White stumbled upon the seven dwarves, right?

While I know for a fact that there aren’t magical little men that live in the bush that is my backyard, I have seen all sorts of urban wildlife like possums, deer, raccoons, squirrels, and even a snowy white owl! I’ve never seen a bear (you’d have to leave city limits to see one of those where I’m from!) but I don’t doubt that other folks close to a full-on forest would be able to spot one. Mark Hough from Altadena, California, did have a run-in with a bear, but there was something a little unusual about this one.

When I think of a bear sighting, I imagine a big scary ‘ol bear who’s hungry, dangerous, and looking for its next meal. I have flashbacks of the bear scene from “The Revenant,” where Leonardo DiCaprio was flung around, clamped down in the jaws of the ferocious beast. That’s what comes to mind, not what Mark saw go down on a lazy, sunny afternoon.

Mark was at home on a particularly hot day, when out of nowhere, a brown bear bumbled out into his backyard. The curious animal tripped around the property for a bit, when Mark noticed the bear pick up a leftover margarita and drink it! But the bear wanted more fun.

BeSo he continued investigating the area when he saw a perfect little swimming hole, the homeowner’s unheated jacuzzi that was turned on. The bear wasted no time jumping in and making himself comfortable, and on a hot day, who wouldn’t? Whether the bear thought the jets resembled the currents of the stream or he just fully enjoyed his impromptu day at the spa, it’s safe to say that this bear is one heck of a party animal – he had so much fun as a party of one, that after all the excitement, he put himself down for a nap in a nearby oak tree, and called it a day!

Click below to watch this hilarious bear do what he wants. I guess not all bears are big and scary and looking to eat me!

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