Little Dancers Forget Choreography During Performance And The Audience Is Roaring With Laughter

Have you ever participated in an on-stage performance only to completely go blank on the words, lyrics, or dance moves? It can be frustrating, embarrassing, and worrisome all at the same time, no matter how old or young you are.

If you have experienced a similar situation, then you’ll completely understand what a small group of young dancers felt like when they struggled to remember their choreography during a performance!

Decked out in green fairy costumes, little ballerinas with tiny ponytails set out on a stage in front of their families. The girls were still sitting on their knees before the music even started, and the audience already began to laugh at how adorable the dancers were.

Then, Selena Gomez’s 2008 tune, ‘Fly to Your Heart,’ from her Tinkerbell album began to blare through the speakers of the auditorium. Right away, one little cutie on the far right of the stage began jumping up and down while flailing her arms in excitement. Loved ones were left roaring with laughter as the rest of the dancers stayed on their knees performing their planned, graceful arm movements.

The girls stood, but the choreography stumbles didn’t just stop there! Instead of twirling slowly in sync with one another, some dancers were turning clockwise, others were spinning counter-clockwise, and some weren’t turning at all! Some girls even continued spinning while others were ready to bust out other dance moves.

I think I about lost it when the girls were supposed to place their hands on their heart and sway, but one of the taller, older girls began to play around with her tongue as two other dancers had a little “cat fight” on stage. And all of this happens not even a minute into the performance!

As the performance progresses, the choreography further crumbles. Some of the younger girls are refusing to partake in the planned dance moves, some dancers are running around distracted, the list of disasters goes on.

With the little girls looking at one another for support with some girls flaunting crooked wings, performing choreography at the wrong time, dancing out of sync with one another, and occasionally throwing in their own dance moves, as if no one was watching, these little girls are a great reminder that sometimes we just have to go with the flow!

The dancers teach us that with a dash of confidence, we can all improvise not just during a performance or speech but also during the stressful times in our lives when we don’t know which direction to go.

If you’re in need of a chuckle, you’re definitely going to want to watch the video for yourself below.

Source: FaithTap

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