Baby Penguin Has Outgrown Warm Pouch But Doesn’t Want To Leave

I hate being cold. I wasn’t made for winter. I drink scalding hot tea on a hot summer day. I turn the water tap all the way to the end, so it feels like lava is shooting out of the showerhead instead of water. I wear three layers of socks in October, always carry an extra sweater and hibernate indoors from November to March. I’m not good with sub-zero temperatures, and I feel that what we’re about to show you in the video below would be me in penguin form.

It’s just another frigidly cold winter day in the Antarctic where it’s not unheard of to have temperatures plummet below 60 degrees Celsius. Except, this day is a little different. The video marks 50 days of the penguin dad carrying his child, in his warm pouch, who has become too big because he’s now a teenager!

It’s time for the baby penguin to move out! In the BBC Special, “A Penguin’s Tale” we follow the life of a cute tiny penguin named Snow Chick. Mom hasn’t returned from feeding, so all the chicks are with the dads. Snow Chick’s dad is unable to carry him in his warm pouch any longer; he’s trying to get him accustomed to the next stage of his life, even though the teen isn’t so keen.

This pudgy cutie just can’t stay with dad any longer, but it’s way too cold outside! So there’s only one option left, join the crew and try to fit in – literally!

Click below to watch Snow Chick try to squeeze in and find a spot with his brothers and sisters.

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