First Baby Koala Is Born At Australian Wildlife Park Following The Tragic Bushfires

We’re only halfway through the year, and it’s been crazy so far. Sadly, as another new devastating event occurs, many news companies’ agendas have shifted further away from other, also-important, major events that happened not long prior. One of those events would be the Australian Bushfires, which officially ended towards the end of March 2020. It’s something that many of us stopped talking and thinking about, assuming that everything with said event has been resolved. Yet, it’s a topic still very much worth covering as Australia is still dealing with the aftermath.

One thing we can celebrate, though, now that the Australian Bushfires are finished is the birth of a sweet, baby koala. The koala, whose name is Ash, was born January 2020 at the Australian Reptile Park in Somersby, Australia. It was the first koala to be born at the park since the bushfires, and now that she’s five-months-old and ready to be handled, zookeepers at the park have recently gotten to meet her for the very first time.

For those who are aware of the baby koala’s entrance into the world, she symbolizes hope for the koala population, which has been facing the threat of extinction for quite some time. Not to mention, the koala population was severely endangered with the rapid spread of the bushfires, which took the lives of approximately 25,000 koalas.

“Ash represents the start of what we’re hoping to be another successful breeding season,” Dan Rumsey, a zookeeper at Australian Reptile Park, said.

So far, after having her wellness closely monitored since she was born, all is good with the little one. She’s very healthy and is developing according to plan.

“Ash is estimated to be 5 months old and is right on track to be emerging from the pouch for the first time. Her mother Rosie has shown exemplary parenting skills and we know that Ash is in good paws,” Rumsey informed.

It’s great to hear that Baby Ash is doing great! In about two-and-a-half to three-and-a-half years from now, Ash will hopefully begin having babies of her own to help expand the precious koala population. Maybe by then, there will be another article that comes out about Australian Reptile Park celebrating Ash’s firstborn.

For now, you can meet 5-month-old Ash below. And if you happen to live near Australian Reptile Park, you can have the opportunity to meet her in person. The park was set to reopen June 1, 2020!

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