Even though we love our pets, there’s always a bit of hesitation involved when it comes to trusting them to be gentle with our young children. One may not know whether a dog or cat will attack our newborn or unintentionally hurt the child when merely trying to play with them. Sometimes all it takes is a baby or young child to pull your pet’s tail, and your child has a fresh wound. It happens just like that. You never know what’s going through an animal’s head or how they will react.
One new daddy, Scott Moore, decided to test the waters to see how his sweet beagle would interact with his baby, whom he and his wife have intentionally kept separated for several months to ensure their newborn would not be harmed. Fortunately for him, and for the sake of our entertainment purposes, he captured this charming moment on film, and it turned out way better than he and his wife had ever though—although they still kept a very watchful eye and were well-prepared for potential danger.
In the video, Buddy the Beagle approached the baby with curious caution–and with a little hesitation–along with an animal’s favorite way to interact with an unknown object: sniffing. After their short interaction, the baby seemed just as curious of the beagle and just as open to becoming friends.
The tiny human crawled over to the pup, rolling around on his back as a way to say, “Hello, it’s nice to meet you too!” Watching the dog roll around in delight, the baby ignited an interest in the furry friend, something the child has never seen before.
The way the baby and beagle met is the cutest thing, but as a friendly reminder to those with babies and young children, be careful when introducing your pets to them as the Moore family did, who was just a few steps away behind the camera. It’s recommended that not only the parent(s) are very watchful, but that the dog or cat has updated shots; a sick pet can be of harm to young children.
To see the adorable meet-and-greet between this beagle and baby, be sure to watch the video below!