6-Year-Old Girl Battling Disease Sings “Fight Song”

Life comes with its ups and downs. It’s not easy to conquer life, there will be days when you felt like you lost to all that has happened, but that doesn’t mean that you don’t get back up the following morning and try again. We all live accepting the fact that trials and tribulations are a part of us being here on earth, and another day in the world, spent with our family and friends close, is a blessed day.

If thoughts like these aren’t enough to help you keep going through your tough times, then below we share with you another source of inspiration, and her name is Anya Ottley. Anya is a 6-year-old little girl, and she’s fighting a crucial battle against kidney cancer.

The reason she’s an inspiration to so many people is that she is fearless, and you can tell that she has this quality through her performance at a family friend’s wedding. Anya takes the mic and starts singing “Fight Song” by Rachel Platten, and it’s a testament to everything she’s been through and how she is so strong.

The girl’s mom, 43-year-old Kathryn, says that her daughter wanted to sing for the wedding, and they didn’t think that there would be a song more fitting than this one. As quoted on Little Things, Kathryn said, “Anya asked me what the song should be and we thought about ‘Fight Song,’ which fits really well.”

The singing girl brought tears to her mom’s eyes, and there’s no way that there would have been a dry eye in the room that day. Anya is a fighter and to watch someone perform and admit that there is so much fight left in her is something inspiring and heart-wrenching at the same time.

Doctors broke the news of Anya’s diagnosis to the family in November 2017. Since then, the 6-year-old has gone through 28 rounds of intensive chemotherapy. But there is good news and light at the end of the tunnel. Anya is going in for her last round of chemo next month! The family is thrilled, and they are even planning to give her a “ring-the-bell” party to celebrate the occasion. Anya will sing this song again at this party to mark her recovery, so this wedding performance was great practice!

We wish Anya a safe and speedy recovery and good health! We also hope that she continues to inspire those around her to stay positive and hopeful in times of trouble.

Click on the link below to watch Anya give it her all as she sings “Fight Song.”

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