As toddlers begin to explore the world around them, they learn how to communicate, deal with a plethora of new situations, and handle their emotions. At times it can be tiresome. Other times it can be downright hilarious and entertaining! Kids truly say and do the darndest things and it’s just way too much fun. Depending on the day, you never really know what you’re going to get!
Through a child’s journey of understanding these things, parents get plenty of great laughs as their young misinterpret, over-exaggerate, and dramatize a variety of situations. Even with the complications that occur, the toddler years are fun!
One father of a toddler decided to have fun with the youngster’s sassy attitude after she lectured him, “No!” for playing with her toy maracas. After the girl took the musical instruments away from him, placed them on the same couch where dad was sitting and left the room, he sneaked back the maracas and began to play them once again. He knows what’s up. He’s definitely “toying” with her emotions and it’s just way too funny.
The little girl instantly knew what was going on and quickly stomped back into the room with an angry face, snatching the maracas and placing them back on the couch. She gives him a really hard time and as strict a yelling as she can muster. (Bad daddy!)
Again and again, the girl’s dad grabs the maracas when she leaves, and she storms back into the room each time when she hears their sound. Dad, didn’t you get the memo? When a toddler says no, that means no! You can’t the smile that comes across you face after her stern lecturing.
Instead of just taking the maracas with her or hiding them in a swift spot, the girl trusted that her dad would listen to her frustrated no’s and read her very clear body language each time she lectured him. Did Daddy listen? Nope, not at the least!
If an angry toddler isn’t the cutest ever, I don’t know what is. You just really can’t take then seriously, and when they’re in this “Im putting my foot down mood,” you want it to last as long as possible and get the camera out! They surely are a joy to be around!
What was the funniest thing your toddler ever said or did?
To get a good laugh, watch the full video below!