Cashier Challenges Toddler To A Dance Off And 4-Year-Old Brings It

People pursue their passions at any given age. I know a lot of people who are going back to school in their 30s and 40s to get a degree or experience for a career that they’ve always dreamt of. There are also people in my dance class who want to learn how to dance to hip-hop and other contemporary music; these men and women don’t limit themselves because of how old they are, and it’s incredible.

I believe that if you’re passionate, the talent will follow. And, if you have the talent, it shouldn’t matter how old you are. All you need sometimes is a bit of encouragement to get started. As much as these words apply to people older in age, little children sometimes also need a nudge to help them get started in something adults recognize as a true talent.

You can be a toddler who has the incredible ability to shake a leg to your favorite song, or a full-grown adult with a voice that can win over even the toughest critic (yes, we’re looking at you, Simon Cowell!). The point is that it’s never too late, or early, to realize your potential and what your talents have in store. In the story shared below, the case is a little girl who has some amazing dancing talent!

Four-year-old Andrea Hinay was at the supermarket with her mother when the lady at the checkout challenged her to a dance-off. Perhaps most toddlers would be intimidated with so many eyes on them, but Andrea rose up to the challenge and delivered.

Pretty much everyone around her stopped to cheer Andrea on, watch, and clap along as the four-year-old showed-off her incredible dance moves.

From the sounds of it, the little girl has been a little diva since day one. Her mother, Aprilyn, says “Our whole family is really proud of her. She’s sassy and has God-given talent which makes other people happy. She just loves showing off her dance moves. Some of the comments to her video have really made our hearts flutter.”

We think it’s safe to say that Andrea has a bright future in dance and entertainment, ahead of her. She knows how to engage a crowd, and she has all the stage presence to be successful! I wish was as good as her when I was that young!

Click on the link below and watch the little girl work her magic!

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