Delivery Man’s Response To Clever Doormat Has The Internet Cracking Up

Some people may not remember it at all, but there was a time, probably a million years ago, when shopping online wasn’t even an option. When you needed something, in particular, you had to get up, shower, make yourself presentable, and then travel to an actual store. There, you had to look through what now seems like a very limited selection of items, hoping to find the thing that you needed.

At the time, we never thought much about the process — that’s just the way things were and the only way that we remembered them. Looking back on things now, it all seems very inconvenient. Now, through the magic of the internet, you can buy practically anything you can imagine from nearly anywhere in the world. 

In this respect, things have certainly changed, but not necessarily for the better; with the click of a button, we can have whatever we desire delivered to our doorstep. In some cases, your item will show up within the hour. This sounds amazing, but why is this feat of technology not “for the better”, you ask? Well, I can’t speak for everyone, but for me personally, it means that I often buy things I don’t really need without considering that fact.

Sometimes, when a package is delivered to my door, it comes as a surprise because I don’t remember ordering anything at all. This is the first sign that it’s something that I don’t need. If I actually needed it, I would have been waiting impatiently for the mail.

Vanessa O’Shea from Texas must have made this mistake a time or two because she decided to purchase a clever welcome mat for the front door of her family home. The mat reads: “Please Hide Packages From Husband.” Vanessa never expected anyone to take her joking request seriously.

But, she and her husband were watching their front door security camera when the Amazon delivery person appeared with a parcel. When he noticed the mat, he quickly made an effort to put the package somewhere hidden — what a good guy!

Eventually, Vanessa and her husband caught up with the delivery driver and were able to thank him properly.

“Good news! We found our favorite #amazon delivery guy!! Gilberto is so humble and kind! We’re so happy to finally meet him! The world needs more Gilbertos!” said Vanessa in a social media post.

Watch the hilarious viral delivery footage in the video below!

Source: ShareTap

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