Kind Flight Attendant Comforts Distressed Passenger

Not all airlines deserve the bad rap they get. Of course, there are a few that do, but even they have shining moments and wonderful employees who truly do go above and beyond to ensure the comfort of their passengers. If for some reason something does go to the wayside, or something goes exceptionally well, you can bet that someone will take out their smartphone and hit record.

Sharon Radcliffe was onboard a Delta flight that she will always remember. She was flying domestic, from Detroit to Nashville, when she noticed a senior woman shaking uncontrollably. She was uncomfortable and unable to slow down her trembling, when a male flight attendant, Jeffrey Jones, approached her, removing her from her seat. Sharon was sure to catch all the commotion by whipping out her phone to make sure she didn’t miss a beat.

As a registered nurse, Sharon could tell that the woman’s trembling was actually a symptom of Parkinson’s disease. Even Jeffrey could sense that the trembling woman was having difficulty from down the aisle. So, he approached her and asked if she could stand up and walk towards the front of the plane where he gave her a seat in first class.

On her Facebook page, Sharon goes into more detail:

“He noticed that a lady in coach class had Parkinson’s disease and without blinking an eye, he went to her and guided her – by the hand – to a free seat in first class! Like WHAT???? A colleague of mine who was also on the flight, helped him get her into first class.”

It turns out that Jeffrey’s grandmother also had Parkinson’s, so he knew the warning signs and what to do. He even turned down Sharon’s professional help and said “I got this,” as this was a very personal matter to him. Sharon returned to her seat in tears, touched by the profound moment! This just goes to show that you never know what someone’s experience is. The young man eagerly stepped up to the plate with confidence and know-how of not only being a flight attendant but also a concerned human who knows how the disease works.

What are some of the incredible stories you’ve seen happen on a plane? If not seen, what have you heard about the kind natures of a lot of the attendants we encounter all the time? Let us know in the comments, below!

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