Little Girl Devises Plan To Get Back On Horse

Sometimes things just aren’t going to be handed over to you easily. You know that saying, when life hands you lemons, make lemonade? I’ve always loved that phrase (…and lemonade) because it’s a vivid, graphic saying that can be used when faced with the big and small problems life can throw at us any which way. It’s a phrase that encourages a can-do attitude and can apply to tiny, everyday problems, or help with larger hurdles. When life hands you a lemon, what do you do?

In this adorable video, taken by the girls’ parents without them knowing, little cowgirl Addie was out with her sister Sara when their smooth ride became sort of tricky. Rather than giving up and asking mom for help, this keen cutie pie of a girl set her mind to figure out a solution! And it’s a really good one.

Sara and Addie were enjoying a horseback ride together when it became time for a water break. The horses were thirsty, so Addie jumped off to fetch water. She returned, and the parched horses were relieved. But, then the next hurdle appeared. Addie is a small child and once she’s down off the horse, it’s difficult for her to get up. She needs someone to help lift her or at least use a stepping ladder to help her get half way up.

But, this gal is a smart cookie. She’s got it all planned out and knows what to do next. Thank goodness this was caught on camera because it’s adorable and genius. And, not to worry folks, her parents were keeping an eye out before and during all of this!

Addie, Sara and the horses are close to a fence, but not close enough. So, Addie moves to one side of her horse and pushes him. Not hard, but enough for him to get the idea. He complies and plays along as Addie slowly edges him towards the fence. Then, wearing her trusty helmet, when she thinks she’s got him close enough to the fence, she runs around to get to the other side and hoists herself onto the beam of the fence. She grabs the stirrup to help her up, then holds the saddle for balance, brings up one foot to put into the stirrup then swings the other leg up and over. She’s mounted and back in business. Seriously, this is some really smart thinking. Addie’s parents should be proud!

Click below to watch this ambitious little girl make a bold move!

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