Walmart Employees Reveal Funniest Things They’ve Seen At Work

With over 6,000 stores in the US alone (yep, there are international stores too – Japan, India and South Africa, to name a few), there are over 100 million customers that visit Walmart every week. These next 40 tales re-told from the employees of Walmart (and a few about the employees themselves…) will show you just what kind of behaviour goes down in America’s favourite discount store when the doors are open to every Tom, D**k and Harry that strolls in.

Hopefully, You’re the First One Using That “New” Deodorant

“I was going to take a break and walking past the deodorant aisle, I see this huge guy, maybe 350 pounds, in a wife beater, put on some deodorant, put the cap back on and put it back on the shelf. I told my manager about it and he said it happens all the time.” ArizonaGeek

Are you blown away like I was? Please share. There’s just too many good ones out there!

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