5 Brothers Meet Their New Baby Sister For The First Time

I can recount every single detail of the day that I met my youngest brother for the first time. I met him just hours after he was born and the feeling was so surreal. Because I didn’t know whether my mom was having a boy or a girl, this big reveal was super exciting — not only was I going to meet my newest sibling to enter the clan, but I would also find out if I had a new sister or a brother.

There was no such thing as a gender reveal back then, and people usually kept the gender of their baby a secret. So, we all just had to wait. Yes, even though we were a part of the immediate family, my parents kept it a surprise for us as well. However, that’s quite unlike what’s happening in the video below — it’s a treat to watch!

With a family of five boys, things can get pretty hectic. There is probably a lot of noise and mess all around, and mom and dad have their hands full. So goes the story of the parents in this video as well. They’re expecting their sixth child, and are proud parents to five boys. But, wouldn’t it be fun to add a little girl to the mix and change things up a bit this time around? Let’s wait and watch!

You may think that these five boys are happy with each others’ company and that they’d probably want another boy to join their group — wrong!

Kel, Tad, Troy, Rogan, and Ross (aged between 3 and 11) love each other, but if there was something they really wanted, it was a baby sister. To their pleasant surprise, a couple of months before their due date, the parents gave them a special gender reveal to show them exactly what they can expect!

The parents stand their five boys in a line, outside, and they each open a little container. They’re instructed to spill the contents — out comes a pink powder, indicating that their much-longed-for sister is on her way! The boys are instantly screaming in excitement, well at least the 4 who understand what’s happening. The toddler of the group stands there with pink powder all over him, not really knowing what the commotion is all about. It’s too cute!

The video below shows a snippet of the reveal and then how the boys react when they first meet baby Shay. Check it out!

Source: Rumble

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