Woman Smashes Hole In The Wall To Rescue 4 Meowing Kittens

One time, I heard a strange noise inside my house. It sounded like a bird chirping, followed by the faint sound of wings flapping. I thought I was imagining it. Birds are outside in the trees, not nesting in the kitchen! But then I heard it again, so I moved to the living room where I could hear it getting louder. Surely, I was making things up. There’s no way a live animal was shacking up in my house, I would have noticed it fly in! But lo and behold, not moments later, did I see a bird emerge and swoop down through the house and land to perch on a vase!

While it’s unclear how this daring bird made its way indoors, the next thing on the to-do list was to promptly get him out! And let me tell you, it’s not easy. So, when this woman discovered a little surprise visit of her own in a very unlikely place, I know exactly what she’s going through. First, it’s feelings of insanity, “… do I actually hear what I hear..?!” followed by a sense of urgency that quickly turns into a rescue mission to save little souls stuck in a tricky situation!

Mom was at home when she started to hear weird noises. She quickly reasoned they weren’t coming from the TV or computer, so she walked around the house, following the muffled voices. That’s when she was led to a wall. The sounds were coming from inside the wall! Yep, in between insulation and plaster and drywall.

This isn’t normal, and she had to do something about it. She smashed a hole into the wall and reached in elbow deep to feel around and find out what on earth was festering inside. Next thing she knew, she was cradling a teeny kitten in her one hand! The sounds coming from the wall were the itty bitty meows of a litter of kittens stuck in a really awkward and uncomfortable place. How these sweet tiny kitties got jammed in between a cold, hard wall is a mystery, but at this point, it didn’t really matter. They just needed to get out, and mom was there with a sledgehammer to free all four traumatized kittens.

Watch as she plucks each one out of the dark cavernous wall and brings them to safety and light, where there’s food and water, and a loving family ready to take them in! Way to go mom for not doubting what she heard, and for following through on what I’d say is a successful animal rescue!

Click below to watch these kittens stuck in a pickle-of-a-situation get scooped out.

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