It’s truly amazing what happens when a passionate group of vocalists and musicians come together to create authentic music. It’s that combination of talent and skill that creates a piece of unforgettable music, bringing joy to everyone who plays and who watches!
Percussion group StikYard is known for their incredible spirited fusion of percussion, original music scores, and one-of-a-kind choreography that brings a unique flavour and style to their performance. They are an absolute delight to watch.
In this video, StikYard is paired up with a group of World Outreach Church drummers and vocalists. This performance has all hands on deck, and all the bells and whistles to put on a stunning show that’s not only captivating but also a chance to show God their love, worship, and glory.
Putting on their own version of, “How Great Thou Art,” this routine is a feast for the eyes and senses. The Christian hymn was originally based on a Swedish traditional hymn but has since been translated and recomposed in different languages. It’s gained new verses and lots of popularity over the years. It’s an extremely catchy song!
In this intricate stage performance, there are incredible layers of music produced by all sorts of instruments. Take note of the cool-looking pipe instrument in the middle to the back! Also, note the lead singer’s voice that rings truth and clarity with every word he sings. It’s straightforward, moving and unites all the other moving parts of the song to tie it all together in a pretty package. This production is stunning!
As if there wasn’t enough to take in, the performers and musicians take it up a notch. At the 3:30 mark, six drummers push their drums to the front and center of the stage to take over the melody. Their pronounced drumming is a performance in itself, using their full range of motion and all of their body strength to give meaning and drama to the song.
It’s a truly beautiful Christian hymn of honor in the name of God. From the gorgeous drapes as the stage’s backdrop to the use of bright lights and stage tactics, it’s easy to see how much everyone loved coming together to give a high-quality performance like this. There is just so much going on, you can’t help but be impressed and feel lifted. A job very, very well done!
Click the video below to watch the full stage production of the song.