Man Finds Baseball Legend’s Bat At A Garage Sale

People have so many prized possessions. You can ask anyone you encounter what is most near and dear to them, and I can guarantee that they’ll list off more than one item in their home that they adore. Of course, this applies to children as well but for them, these possessions change all the time. As they grow older, children begin to value different things. So, what happens to all the stuff they once loved in their childhood? It gets donated or sold at a local garage sale.

A garage sale is exactly what the man, Bruce, in the video below was checking out when he came across something that caught him off guard. Something that probably belonged to the kids of the family.

Sue put on a yard sale with the typical items up for grabs: furniture, light stands, kids’ books, etc. There was nothing different or new about this sale until Bruce took a peek under the table that was sitting in the middle of the driveway. There was a row of old bats, arranged and up for sale. There was one bat that immediately caught his eye — an old, frayed one that was being sold for $1.

Now, $1 for a baseball bat is an amazing deal. So, like anyone else, Bruce thought it may be a good idea to check it out to buy for himself. As soon as he decides to pick it up and take a closer look, he knew that there was something about this bat that was different than a lot of the other ones he’s seen in his lifetime. He immediately got thinking and wasted no time.

What do you think was so special about this bat that Bruce instantly knew something was different about it? Was it an ancient collection? Was it broken from somewhere, hence why Sue was selling it for so cheap? There are so many questions that are probably running through your mind right now, right?

When parents have garage sales, it’s almost a given that the majority of the stuff they want to sell, or get rid of, is that of their children. When children outgrow their phases of collector cards, certain shoes, and jerseys, it’s only best to try to recoup some of the money and sell these things off to someone who may be interested.

Gaging from Sue’s garage sale, it’s clear that there were kids in her home, too. These very kids don’t want their belongings anymore — one of those being the bat in question.

Since baseball is a popular sport for boys, it’s obvious that there were probably many young boys who played with this bat, hoping to score that homerun they were keenly anticipating. But these kids didn’t know that the bat they played with all along belonged to baseball legend Jackie Robinson.

Bruce says, “The unique grip of the bat was Jackie Robinson’s style.” But it wasn’t just the grip that told Bruce this was Jackie’s bat. He took the prized possession over to Sue and asked her for a pencil. He then rubbed the pencil over the wood to show her the place where the baseball star had engraved his name.

Click on the link below and watch the full story unfold!

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