Bullied Daughter Writes Heart-Melting Message For Her Dad With Down Syndrome

Facebook, Richie Anne Castillo

The love of a father is definitely unconditional, but sometimes daughters only get to appreciate that when years have already gone by.

The Story Of Richie Anne And Her Dad

Facebook, Richie Anne Castillo

Richie Anne Castillo had a pretty normal childhood, but it all changed when she realized her dad is different from her schoolmates’ fathers.

Down Syndrome


Down syndrome is a condition where a person has an extra chromosome that affects how the brain processes. Physical growth and appearance is affected too.

She Got Bullied


Because of her father’s condition, Richie Anne was made fun of by her schoolmates, and it eventually affected her relationship with her father.

She Became An Absentee Daughter

Facebook, Richie Anne Castillo

Because of the wounds that bullying had caused her, she became distant from her dad. She left home and became independent when she grew up, leaving her father alone and incredibly upset.

A Good Time To Reconcile

Facebook, Richie Anne Castillo

During their years apart, Richie Anne realized her mistake of neglecting her dad and not being there for him when he needed her. So she made the decision of finally speaking up to the world about how much her dad means to her on his 50th birthday.

She Wrote Her Heart Out

Facebook, Richie Anne Castillo

She wrote a greeting on Facebook about the things she didn’t get the chance to say out loud before, like how she admires his strength to smile even after his surgeries and other medical procedures.

A Heart Of Gratitude


In her letter, she also expressed how grateful she is for all the values he’s imparted to her, particularly his faith in the Lord.

His One And Only Baby Girl


She ended her letter with “Thanks for always calling me your one and only baby girl because I always will be. I’m strong and brave because of you and I love you so much, dad.”

Watch the video below and prepare your tissue for Richie Anne’s touching letter for her father.

Watch Video Here:

Source: Ron Project

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