Baby Girl Entertains Everyone When She Growls Back At Her Auntie

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It’s both amazing and entertaining at the same time when babies try to do things for the first time.

First Sounds Before First Words


One baby girl tried to respond to her auntie’s playful growling, but like all the other tiny growling creatures, as much as she wanted to sound scary, it still turned out to be hilarious.

Her Auntie’s Way Of Bonding With Her

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It started off as casual bonding between her and her auntie. When she realized she couldn’t talk yet, she started mimicking her aunt’s growl.

All Eyes On Her

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Her innocent response turned into entertainment for everyone, and they just couldn’t stop laughing.

She Took Pride In Her Milestone


As her cute short growls turned into longer and stronger ones, there’s this certain look of pride on her face when she figured out she’s being a wonder to her audience.

She Put Effort To Her Response

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She was even tilting her head forward to add action to her “scary” growl.

First Attempts At Communication


According to, “A growl could be your baby’s first attempts at communication with you. Listen to your baby and have some fun trying to decipher what it is your baby is trying to communicate to you.”

“You Gettin’ Mad At Me?”


After a series of growling, the aunt finally asked the baby “You gettin’ mad at me?”

Aunties’ Special Place In Her Nieces’ Heart


They are a blessing to busy mommies who need someone to look after their babies during busy days.

Watch how this funny baby girl learns how to growl in the video below.

Watch Video Here:

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