Brides Donate Their Wedding Dresses To Honor Marriages Of Military And Healthcare Workers

It always leaves me a little teary-eyed when I hear of all the positive things others do to honor someone for their profession. It makes me happy to see students giving their teacher a gift during Teacher Appreciation Week; someone saying, “Thank you for your service” to a soldier or veteran; or even a person buying a cup of coffee for a police officer in line behind them. Those are acts of true respect.

As another beautiful act of kindness, many brides in America have been doing something special to honor the future marriages of healthcare workers and military personnel. As part of the organization, Brides Across America, women have been donating their wedding dresses for free for our essential workers to wear who are truly risking it all to keep the rest of us safe.

The nonprofit has been collecting and redistributing the gowns for years. In fact, according to their website, they’ve given away over 25,000 dresses since 2008! They’ve also help put together 25 weddings for essential workers.

“We just wanted to do something to give back and at least say, ‘Hey, we’re thinking of you,’” Heidi Janson, the founder of Brides Across America, said.

Normally, the organization would donate the gowns to military staff and first responders. But now with the current pandemic, the work of the organization means more than ever, which means they’re also interested in giving away gowns to hospital employees working the frontlines.

“They’re putting their lives on the line, just like the military or a first responder, so this was our way to give back to them. We just thought it lined up nicely with our mission.”

The best part about all of this is seeing the look on the bride-to-bes’ faces when they find that perfect dress.

“The girls are so happy,” Janson explained. “They’re like, ‘I’m working, I’m planning a wedding. I don’t really have time (to find a dress).’ They can’t believe it’s free.”

So, not only do the brides get a free dress, but the fact that the organization is helping them pick out the right one takes a lot of pressure off their shoulders. Wedding dress shopping can be incredibly stressful after all.

It isn’t easy work, though, for an organization that still has room to grow. And with the growing need to support essential workers during this time, Brides Across America would love more than anything to be able to do more.

“We’re pretty small, but we have a big mission. It’s definitely hard, but we’re trying our best to continue as much as we can with the current circumstances.”

The good news is, the non-profit is still happily accepting donated gowns. As long as it’s under five-years-old and is in favorable condition, they will accept it. In addition, they also accept the donation of veils, wedding favors, and jewelry. You may also provide a monetary donation instead if you desire.

Learn more about Brides Across America below.

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