Neighbors Selflessly Appear, Without Asking, To Help Transport Dog In Severe Pain After Surgery

It’s always difficult seeing our pets suffer physically. But there’s only so much in our power that we can do. In many cases, it’s usually a veterinarian who must handle it, that is, if it’s even in their power to do so. In the end, genuine pet owners want nothing more than to provide the best quality care for their animals.

One particular pet owner has a collie named Nunuk who later developed two tumors on one of their hind legs. Although the sweet collie was able to get the tumors surgically removed, dealing with post-op was difficult.

According to the owner, getting Nunuk out of the vehicle after the surgery was very difficult. The collie weighs 65 pounds, and being unable to walk on their own, he relied heavily on his owner to transport him to the house. To top it off, the two 5-inch-long incisions on his hind leg made it even harder to carry him without injuring him. To make matters even worse, nobody else was at home at the time to help bring the collie inside.

With carrying the dog by hand being a difficult task, the owner decided to patiently wait for the canine to show the slightest bit of improvement, so he could possibly make the short-distant walk alone. So, the owner covered him in a warm blanket and waited 20 minutes with no improvement. The owner then decided to phone an emergency vet helpline where they gave them the okay to give the dog more painkillers.

While waiting for the painkillers to kick in, Nunuk’s owner texted the neighbors asking if they could please refrain from driving by for a while as to not trigger the guard dog in Nunuk. Keeping the environment for the collie quiet would help keep the dog calmer, hopefully help the painkillers work quicker, and generally make the transportation to the house easier.

Not long after shooting off the text, a neighbor and his wife showed up to help without being asked. With the owner, they had a plan to place the blanket underneath Nunuk like a makeshift stretcher. They then each carried a corner and carefully walked the dog into the house.

The owner was over the moon by the kindness their two neighbors provided. The owner simply asked them to not make noise that would stress out the dog, but instead, they provided assistance first-hand.

Now Nunuk, who’s pictured below, can rest and recover inside his home.

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