Little Girl With Down Syndrome Gets Rejected By 20 Families Until She Meets This Single Dad

It makes me sad knowing that children get rejected from their own families, let alone, from non-blood-related families who have the chance to adopt them. How could anyone think an innocent child isn’t worthy of thriving in a safe and happy home environment? It’s understandable if a family feels like they can’t offer the specific needs a child requires, but to reject them for selfish, petty, or shallow reasons is beyond me.

Take Alba for example. Just a few days into her life, her biological parents gave her up because of her Down syndrome diagnosis. After being put up for adoption, she was rejected by 20 different families. At this point, she wasn’t even a month old yet. But luckily, the sweet child was able to eventually find her forever home when a single man named Luca Trapanese decided to make her his daughter.

For Luca, it was love at first sight. And having a background of volunteering and caring for children with disabilities in the past, she would be the perfect addition to his home.

“When I held her in my arms, I was filled with joy,” he said. “I felt she was my daughter immediately. I knew I was ready to be her father.”

He’d tell you that he definitely made the right decision and has no regrets about adopting her.

Now, Alba is a year-and-a-half-years-old and is thriving with her new daddy.

He even wrote a book about his life with Alba. In it, he challenged the ideas surrounding fatherhood and family. He’s a man of wisdom!

Not only is Alba lucky to have Luca, but Luca is lucky to have her. The laws in his home country (Italy) regarding adoption are relatively strict, especially for single parents looking to adopt. However, since Alba was in desperate need of a loving family, which she had been struggling to find, and seeing that Luca would be the perfect fit, the request for adoption was approved quickly.

Alba may still be very young, but Luca says she’s a total social butterfly and loves to meet new people. As he watches her personality develop, he’s excited to see where it will take their bond and looks forward to all of the things they’ll be able to do together as she gets older.

“I will spend the rest of my life with a girl I love, and we will do many wonderful things together,” said the father.

Meet the new dad and young daughter below.

Source: The Dad

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