Man Who Grew Up Without A Dad Helps Fatherless Kids Learn Life Skills

Fathers play a big role in both boys’ and girls’ lives. Every father is different, but many would tell you that their father is the one who taught them how to ride a bike, play sports, mow the lawn, change the oil in their car, and even how to start a fire. Of course, one doesn’t require their father to teach them these things, but a father is normally the individual many people would learn these skills from. But would if one doesn’t have a father?

Rob Kenney from Bellevue, Washington knows what it’s like to grow up fatherless. He would admit that it was difficult, but that’s exactly what inspired the now-father to start his YouTube channel two months ago called “Dad, How Do I?” For his channel, Rob makes videos to help teach kids without a father how to do the things fathers would typically teach.

Although the channel is still very new, so far, the father has made videos on how to unclog a sink, how to jumpstart a car, how to fix most running toilets, how to put up a shelf, and much more.

In addition to spreading his knowledge through his videos, Rob truly is just like a dad, busting out cheesy dad jokes and calling his viewers “kids.” He’s a great father figure for all.

Many people, both with and without fathers, have been helped by Rob’s informative videos so far. In fact, many of his viewers urged him to monetize his videos, so he could get paid for what he does. He definitely deserves it!

But Rob does it out of passion; he feels that it’s his calling to volunteer his help to those who need it.

“I didn’t start this to make money,” he admitted. “I started simply enough and thought I was going to help a few people . . . 30 or 40 subscribers . . . it’s turned into way more than that. And please don’t think I am only aiming this at young men. It’s for young women, anybody who feels that they need to learn something or be empowered to learn something.”

Not long ago, Rob decided to start monetizing his videos, but rather than keeping the money, he announced that he’d be donating it to multiple charities. What a great guy!

You can find out more about Rob and his videos below. To honor him this Father’s Day, please subscribe to his YouTube channel!

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