Police Officer Helps Small, Abandoned Puppy After He Kept Chasing Him Down The Street

Doesn’t it just break your heart to drive around town and see stray animals running around without an owner to call their own? I know that for me personally, every time I spot a homeless critter, I can’t help but worry about their safety and ability to live a long, healthy life. Sometimes I compare their lives to my own pets’ lives. Deep down, I wish I could take each stray in, so I can give them the life that they deserve. Needless to say, it’s not feasible to take every stray animal we see on the streets in as our own, but it’s something that might cross our minds.

Fortunately, there’s one less homeless animal out on the Los Angeles streets thanks to Police Officer Mercado and his sidekick, Officer Tavera. With a very tiny, brown puppy following them, they decided to pick him up and drive him back to the station.

Mercado drove while Tavera held the innocent, stray puppy. The two decided to nickname the furry fella “Hobart,” which was the name of the street they spotted him on.

After he arrived at the police station, the other officers immediately fell in love with him and his sweet personality and tiny body. What’s not to love about an innocent puppy?! The crew even gave Hobart an honorary K-9 title.

But the happy ending isn’t here just yet; there’s more good news.

The officer knew that little Hobart still needed a home. Although he could have taken the puppy to a local pet store or shelter, so he could eventually get adopted, he instead decided to make things easier. Officer Mercado, who originally rescued the dog, ended up keeping him.

Here’s a picture of Officer Mercado and Hobart. It looks like they already have a strong bond! It’s like it was love at first sight. Both Officer Mercado instantly connected with Hobart, as did Hobart with him. (Is there such a thing as a dog being a soulmate for a certain human? Because I think Hobert and Mercado are soulmates!)

LAPD Hollywood Division

Below, Officer Tavera is holding the big-eyed pup on the ride back to the station in a police car. Look at that sweet face! No wonder Officer Mercado just couldn’t resist making him his own.

LAPD Hollywood Division
LAPD Hollywood Division
LAPD Hollywood Division
LAPD Hollywood Division
LAPD Hollywood Division
LAPD Hollywood Division

It looks like Hobart now has the perfect home. Mercado may be a police officer, but he still has a soft spot in his heart for animals, and it really shows

Source: Just Something

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