Golden Retriever Helps Make Deliveries To Vulnerable Neighbor In Quarantine

I can’t imagine how difficult it must be to be considered a high-risk individual during this pandemic. The amount of stress and anxiety these people may be feeling leaves me uneasy. I may not know exactly how these people are feeling, but I know that what they’re dealing with is not easy at all.

Fortunately, there are good samaritans everywhere who are volunteering their time to go out and retrieve essential items for those who are vulnerable to the virus. Karen Eveleth and her golden retriever, Sunny, who live in Manitou Springs, Colorado have done exactly that for their self-isolating neighbor, Renee Hellman.

Eveleth has known Hellman for well over a decade. So when the outbreak came about, she immediately thought of Hellman and her health issues. That’s when she felt compelled to go out and get her groceries for her but not without the help of Sunny!

“She got the list, she gave it to Sunny, Sunny brought it to me,” Eveleth said. “I went to the store, got her groceries, and he delivered them all to her.”

Eveleth and her dog have been retrieving and delivering groceries for their neighbor several times since the pandemic hit Colorado weeks ago.

“What a wonderful thing, just a sweet thing,” Hellman said. “So [Sunny] started doing the schlepping, back and forth. It’s been fun, it’s been a real treat.”

The addition of Sunny has made dealing with the C*********s a lot easier for Hellman.

“Little things like Sunny coming over to visit is nice, and it makes you feel good. It’s a way of communicating.”

I’d say the name Sunny fits the golden retriever quite well.

Apart from helping deliver groceries and putting a smile on Hellman’s face, Sunny also helps take the mail home for his owner. Additionally, he even picks up trash while he and his human mom go on walks together. He’s one talented and helpful dog!

Eveleth reminds us that during a time like this, we can all do something to help, no matter how big or how small.

“Anybody can do something small, that can be so helpful,” Eveleth said.

We might think that we’re just “one person,” but one person or even one dog can easily make a positive mark on someone else’s life. From delivering groceries to video-chatting with lonely family members, there’s so much we can do that we might not have considered doing.

Meet sweet Sunny below. He’s an inspiration for any of us wanting to engage in an act of kindness during the C*********s outbreak.

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