In 6 Words, Social Media Users Describe Their Quarantine Experience To Jimmy Fallon

The C*********s is no joke, and it should be something we take seriously. But it doesn’t hurt to share some laughter every now and then. If anything, we need to laugh more than ever right now. All of us are dealing with types of stress that we may have never experienced in our lives previously: the temporary loss of work, unexpected financial struggles, and a great fear for both our and our loved ones’ health.

That’s why Jimmy Fallon decided to ask his 51.9 million Twitter followers to describe their quarantine experience in exactly six words, no more and no less. Using the hashtag #MyQuarantineInSixWords, Twitter users came up with hilarious, creative responses that were oh-so relatable.

Since we’re all on the same boat, how about we read through some of my personal favorite responses?

Man, oh man, can I relate to this one. Who doesn’t love puppies? With social distancing, I think we’re all getting pretty lonely. Being deprived of much-needed social interaction is an instant mood killer. The good news is, it’s not confirmed that our pet cats and dogs can get the virus and/or transfer it to us. So, as of now, it’s safe to say that introducing a new furry friend into our lives actually isn’t half bad of an idea.

Also, can “puppy panic buy” be a phrase we use more often?

It’s crazy how we didn’t seem to realize how often we touch our face until the outbreak started. If you’re like me, you touch your face approximately 100 times a day, and for some reason, I’m struggling to stop. But now is a very good time to get out of that bad habit.

Specifically, try to avoid touching your nose, eyes, and mouth. Touching these regions of your face can not only increase your chances of catching the virus (or any contagious illness) but can increase your chances of getting someone else sick, even if you’re wearing gloves.

And if you just can’t stop touching your face, at the very least, wash your hands more often. Scrub your all parts of your hands, lower arms, and underneath your nails for at least 20 seconds with warm water and soap. After washing and drying your hands, consider slathering on some hand sanitizer for extra antimicrobial benefits.

Husbands around the world better look out! Wives like Charlene go a little bonkers quarantined with their sweetheart. Experts are suggesting to stay six feet away from others during this time, but your wife is an exception. You better keep a distance of more than six feet away. Consider trimming the trees in the backyard, riding your bike around the block, or watching YouTube videos on your photo in the other room until your monster (I mean, wife) calms down.

These responses are hilarious! Read more of #MyQuarantineInSixWords tweets below.

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