Concerts From Keith Urban And Wife Nicole Kidman And More Are Now Being Live Streamed

Although it’s not the most disadvantaging aspect of the C*********s situation, it is unfortunate (but necessary at this time) that we are unable to attend public events, go to parties, or even watch a movie at our local movie theater. It’s little things like this that we miss and will learn never to take for granted again.

But you and I aren’t the only ones struggling to adapt to life without our usual sources of entertainment. Most people are dealing with the same thing right now: boredom, extra free time, and uncertainty regarding what to do to keep occupied. Then there are celebrities like Keith Urban and his wife, Nicole Kidman, who are being creative in how they keep both themselves and their fans entertained. Their latest idea? To live stream a concert online for everyone without charging a penny.

Earlier this month, Urban rocked out on the guitar and sung while his wife danced and sang along during a live concert of his. And, boy, were the both of them great entertainers, especially together! Their live performance could have been as good as the real deal, only that we all get to see it for no cost at all.

Best of all, the positive, lively spirits both Urban and Kidman possessed during the concert were enough to give viewers a smile and a gleam of hope during this hard situation. Many of us are constantly concerned about our finances, our health and our loved one’s health, and the state of the economy that it’s hard to just unwind and crack a smile. But if anyone can help us do it, it’s Kidman and Urban.

Apart from Keith Urban and Nicole Kidman, other celebrities are also deciding to provide free, at-home performances. That includes P!nk, Chris Martin of Coldplay, Niall Horan, John Legend, and Charlie Puth, among others. More celebrities are sure to follow in their footsteps.

“I think it’s actually really cool that artists are doing this. It shows a deeper connection between remaining safe and remaining lifted which is what we need,” one person commented.

I agree 100% with that comment. Really, these celebrities don’t technically owe us anything. However, many of them are going out of their way to brighten things up during this dark moment. Their true colors are showing during this time, and we couldn’t be more thankful for their generosity and versatility.

Watch some celebrity concerts down below, including Keith Urban and Nicole Kidman’s. If you’re interested in watching more, scope YouTube or Instagram; they’re everywhere! Also, just a little tip: if you want to “attend” one of these concerts with a friend, you can do so with video chatting software.

Source: Little Things

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