Aquarium Staff Let Penguins Visit Other Animals While Facility Remains Closed During Outbreak

Countries around the world have been temporarily closing unessential businesses and facilities from the public to slow down the rapid spread of the C*********s. That includes zoos and aquariums. Although these are both fun and educational places, they aren’t considered necessary places to stay open at this time as they don’t provide our basic necessities for survival.

While many of us won’t be able to visit aquariums and the like right now, the animals housed in these environments won’t know why there are no longer large groups of humans crowding together to watch them. They’re definitely going to feel confused.

But since the Shedd Aquarium’s short-term closure in Chicago, Illinois, the employees had an idea. To ensure the aquarium’s rockhopper penguins still get enough stimulation, they were allowed to leave their exhibit for the first time ever! And, fortunately, their outing was a success.

“Without guests in the building, caretakers are getting creative in how they provide enrichment to animals. Introducing new experiences, activities, foods and more to keep them active, encourage them to explore, problem-solve and express natural behaviors,” the aquarium explained.

So, on March 15, 2020, the tuxedoed birds were able to walk around the aquarium like guests, checking out other animals of exhibits they have never seen before. The staff referred to their little outing as a “field trip.” Aww!

During their field trip, the penguins were quite fascinated by the colorful fish and other sea life on display in their home. Their curious, little minds wandered as they waddled around with their tiny feet inside the aquarium.

Wellington the penguin appeared to show some of the greatest interest in the “tour.”

“Wellington seemed most interested in the fishes in Amazon Rising! The black-barred silver dollars also seemed interested in their unusual visitor,” the Shedd Aquarium said in a tweet.

Thousands of times has the tweet, which included a video, been viewed by people around the world. The footage left many happy that the caregivers gave this adorable experience to the penguins.

“Thank you Shedd Aquarium for continuing to post…we need our smiles wherever we can get them,” someone replied to the aquarium.

At this time, Shedd Aquarium announced that they will remain closed until March 29, 2020. Until then, they will continue providing exhilarating experiences and activities for their animals as the aquarium remains empty.

Watch the video to see adorable footage of the aquarium’s penguins checking out fish. They’re so well-behaved!

Source: edition

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