Store Owners Give Over $6,000 Worth Of Free Supplies To Seniors During Quarantines

It seems like just about everywhere that’s directly affected by the C*********s, people are stocking up on as many goods as they can get their hands on. Hand sanitizers, toilet paper, tissues, immune system-supporting vitamins, non-perishable foods, diapers, and other items are leaving shelves at the speed of light.

Not only is the quantity of these items low in stores, but not everyone has the money in their pockets to be able to go out and purchase in bulk before self-isolating. Senior citizens are one group that crosses our minds.

But Zahid Iqbal, the owner of a Scottish convenience store in Drylaw, Edinburgh, is making sure those 65-years-old and older, as well as those with disabilities, are able to get their hands on vital goods in preparation for the quarantine.

So, the 34-year-old decided to put together hundreds of care packages to pass out to his Day-Today shop free of charge. Customers can walk in to pick up a free kit. Iqbal also offers free home delivery. Each kit contains anti-inflammatories, tissues, antibacterial handwash, and toilet paper.

Not only does Iqbal hope that by engaging in this kind act that he helps the community but that it sets a good example for other businesses out there.

“We’ve given away more than a thousand now, that’s just over the weekend. It’s a time when we need to stick together,” he said. “We have lots of customers from the local care homes, as well as disabled customers, who can’t get hand sanitizers, loo rolls or anything at all. We just want to set a good example in this world.”

The community is highly appreciative of the Scottish store’s voluntary act.

“A lot of new people have been coming in showing appreciation as well and promising they’ll shop local in the future-lots of nice gestures. The appreciation we’ve been getting has been out of this world. You couldn’t get this kind of satisfaction if you spent thousands of pounds, it’s amazing.”

Throughout all of this, making money isn’t at the forefront of the young shop owner’s mind.

“Money can be made in the future,” said Iqbal. “You don’t want to make your money by putting your prices up in a situation like this-people will remember after all this is over.”

His primary goal? To merely give back to the people in and near his town.

“Right now, we need to do our part for the community. I think it’s very important. I can feel how other people out there feel,” he said. “We want to help out for as long as we can manage and everybody needs to be doing their bit.”

Iqbal has additional plans during the outbreak.

“This week I was planning on doing food bags. If we run out of toilet rolls, then the next thing we want to do is pasta. If there’s a lockdown, people need to be able to look after themselves.”

So far, Iqbal spent approximately £5,000 ($6,100) on making the kits, not including the costs for gasoline for home deliveries. Although he’s spending cash out of his own pocket and is refusing donations from the public at this time, it’s something he will continue to do so as long as his funds allow.

“The satisfaction you get helping people out is just amazing,” he concluded.

Below is a picture of Iqbal handing a senior citizen a bag of necessary supplies.

I hope this man is blessed with good karma soon!

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