Doorbell Camera Catches FedEx Driver Returning Dog To The Family Who Lost Him

Anyone who has ever had a pet run away before knows how stressful and upsetting it can be. I’ve had a few pets in the past that suddenly vanished without warning. Even when my aunt’s dog got loose years ago, I was equally shocked as I was hurt. It’s just not something you expect to happen one day.

If we’re lucky, our pet ends up showing up in a few days on their own. Or, we might spot them on a “found” sign around town, receive a call from someone who found them if our pet had a collar or tag, or even find them safe and sound at a local shelter. We all cross our fingers that one of these things will happen.

Lisa Menzies and her family know exactly how scary it feels for a pet to get loose. Their lovely golden retriever, Catcher, escaped her Castle Pines, Colorado home one day when a contractor was doing work inside the Menzies’ home. He shut the door behind him before heading off to lunch; however, a big gust of wind blew the door open, giving Catcher the option to voluntarily escape. And, well, he did.

Like many of us, the Menzies family was distraught; they just wanted their dog back. However, they presumed the worse. The dog might have been spotted and taken in by someone else, hit by a car, or even injured by another dog on the streets. Or, maybe the family thought Catcher was okay, but that eventually, he’d get hungry and thirsty. There were many distressing scenarios that played in the family’s heads.

To make matters worse, the family was out of town at the time, unable to search for the dog on their own.

Then good news arrived. Mrs. Menzies received a message from her FedEx driver with news about the three-year-old golden retriever.

“I found your dog,” the message read. “The address on her tag is where I’m going to take her.”

After the family came home, they rewatched the video doorbell footage that was captured. There, they witnessed the kind FedEx driver safely delivering their favorite furry friend to their home. Catcher is right where he belongs!

Lisa is very thankful for the man’s deed and hopes to thank him in person.

“Other than to thank him via text, I don’t know him personally, so we haven’t seen him again yet,” she explained.

Hopefully, they will be able to cross paths again soon! View the footage of the FedEx driver returning the escaped dog below.

Source: Little Things

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