64-Year-Old Is The Oldest Woman To Row Across The Atlantic Ocean To Date

They try to tell us we’re too young. Then when the time comes, they try to tell us that we’re too old. Then there are people like 64-year-old Sara Brewer who doesn’t give a flying fish what you think. You know why? Because she is now the oldest woman to have ever rowed across the Atlantic Ocean via the Talisker Whisky Atlantic Challenge. And, she only had six years of rowing experience up her sleeves with her longest rowing trip spanning 150 miles!

Along with her rowing partner, 35-year-old Ann Prestidge, Brewer rowed approximately 3,000 miles from the coast of La Gomera all the way to Antiqua in just 86 days. The duo only consumed two meals a day during the trip, which began December 12, 2019. They battled 65-plus-foot-tall waves, dealt with storms, faced injuries, broke oars, and even ran out of food along the way.

While the journey was rough, Brewer and Prestidge arrived safely (but exhausted) at their destination on March 7, 2020. And, although they were the last group of 35 teams to finish the challenge, it was definitely a moment for the two to celebrate.

“We never anticipated it would take us this long – we were hoping to finish in mid-February – so the extended row has been tough both mentally and physically,” Brewer said.

The conditions the women went through required a great deal of bravery and endurance.

“We were rowing 1.5 hours each in rotation, 24 hours a day, seven days a week to finish before running out of food. For the past three weeks, we’ve been surviving on two meals a day and next to no sleep. We’re delighted to finally set foot on dry land.”

Surprisingly, Brewer didn’t have to think long and hard when deciding if partaking in the Atlantic rowing challenge was right for her.

“I would like to say that I finally decided to row the Atlantic Ocean after carefully considering at least some of the facts – including some of the obvious dangers and difficulties associated with such an endeavor – but that would not be strictly true, in fact it would not be true at all.”

Instead, it was something she knew was destined for her.

“What is true is that I read the opening pages of the Ben Fogle and James Cracknell book, The Crossing, and knew that I had to do it. It was an overwhelming compulsion that simply would not go away and I finally broached the subject with my husband, whose reaction is still seesawing between being proud and petrified for me – I am truly sorry, John, to put you through this.”

Her husband wasn’t the only one who was on the fence; others, too, were concerned about Brewer’s safety! Others even doubted her.

“When you say: ‘I’m going to row the Atlantic,’ some people say: ‘That’s nice, dear.’ Some people say: ‘You’re mad.’ And some people say: ‘From where to where?’”

But she didn’t listen to their criticism. She went with her gut, and not only has she broken a record, but she also helped raise £45,000 for Street League and the Alzheimer’s Society by participating in the challenge.

I don’t know how either of these ladies did it. I’d be petrified the entire time!

View the video below to see the women’s arrival back on dry land.

Source: The Guardian

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