Brother Brings Llama In A Tuxedo To His Sister’s Wedding After Joking About It 5 Years Prior

It’s not uncommon that we joke around with our family members. When my younger brother went away to college last year, my family and I joked that we’d ship our loud, overly-vocal cat to him, so he could be the one to deal with her daily obnoxiousness. Of course, we really didn’t and have no future plans to do so, but everyone knows families love to mess around and laugh together.

But if you have a family member like 21-year-old goofball, Mendl Weinstock, you best believe that his “jokes” are going to be taken to the next level.

Five years ago during a family road trip from Ohio to Indiana, Mendl randomly joked that he’d bring a llama to his 17-year-old sister, Riva’s, future wedding. Riva, who wasn’t engaged at the time, figured it was nothing more than a joke. That’s when she joked back, saying that his llama would be invited.

But it seems like Mendl took it a little too seriously because when his sister got engaged this past October, he reached out to a farm to rent a llama named Shocky for the day of the wedding in exchange for $400.

Not only did Mendl have plans to bring the llama as a guest to his sister’s big day, but he also had a custom tuxedo made to fit the furry farm animal. And he sure cleaned up nicely!

“Ever since that day [in 2015] I have promised her I would bring a llama. I fulfilled that promise,” Mendl said to USA Today. “She was shocked at first but more impressed that I kept my promise from 5 years ago.”

Shocky might have ended up being a great and well-behaved wedding guest, but Riva has plans to prank Mendl during his graduation in the fall from the University of Akron. Planting a classic “Kick Me” sign on the back of his graduation gown? Sticking his graduation cap to his head with a sticky substance? I’m curious to know what Riva’s got on her mind. But Mendl has one request: the prank can’t occur while his name is being called as he goes up to receive his diploma. Fair enough!

Not going to lie, I kind of want a llama for my own wedding. (Anyone want to fulfill my wish? Kidding!)

Click to watch the video below to see Riva’s reaction to first seeing the llama at the wedding. The angry look on her face is absolutely priceless!

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