Security Guard Takes Little Girl To Daddy-Daughter Dance When She Doesn’t Have An Escort

Attending a daddy-daughter dance is something many little girls dream about. It’s a special moment where they get to look and feel like a princess before attending their possible first-ever ball with one of the most important people in their lives: their father. But, as you know, not everyone has a father. Even for the ones who do, they may not have that kind of connection with them. So, imagine how these young girls must feel when their school makes an announcement about this type of dance.

8-year-old Avey Cox, a second-grader in Van Buren, Arkansas, was particularly bummed about the dance. Over the holidays, the young girl’s father passed away, leaving her with nobody to take to the February event. But after hearing about her situation, the school security guard, Nick Harvey, decided to help make her wish come true by asking her to attend the dance with him.

“I reached out to the mother because the last thing I wanted was to get rejected by a second-grader, and then the next day I formally asked if she’d be my date to the daddy/daughter dance,” Harvey explained.

Once he got her mother’s okay, the school staff member asked Avey for himself, which she gladly accepted!

Harvey wore a tux with a dark red tie, and Avey wore a red dress to match. The duo not only wore matching outfits, but they rode in a limo to the dance, took selfies together, and danced amongst the rest of the attendees that night. Avey had an absolute blast, as did Harvey!

“I was excited because I’ve never ever went, and it would be my first time and actually been wanting to go,” the second-grader said.

Harvey said he will be glad to go to future father-daughter dances with Avey if she chooses to. Being able to provide her with that experience that she otherwise wouldn’t have has been such a pleasure of his.

“Thank you, Nick, for understanding that kids should not be left out because they no longer have a parent. Sweet story. Let’s all remember the lesson here. Blessings,” said one person online.

I couldn’t agree more with that comment. The thought of attending a father-daughter dance can be anxiety-provoking for girls without a father to take them. But with men like Harvey who are willing to fill in, it can mean everything for a girl.

Listen to an interview with little Avey and her escort, Harvey, below.

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