Boy Bullied For Being An Avid Reader Starts Popular Book Review Account

It always bugged me growing up that many of my peers in school perceived reading as “boring,” “lame,” and “nerdy.” Since when was improving your diction and gaining new knowledge such a bad thing? Knowledge is power! Many decades ago, just being able to get your hands on a book was a luxury, let alone, being able to afford one or even having the status and educational mastery just to read one.

A 13-year-old boy living in South Shields, England named Callum “Cal” Manning is aware that books aren’t viewed in the most positive light, especially by boys his age. However, reading was a hobby he enjoyed for years. In fact, he even created an Instagram account last month, so he could share his favorite books with his pals. Unfortunately, he received horrible messages from peers via a group chat at his new school.

“I don’t tend to cry that often but I think that was the first time in a while I’ve actually cried,” he candidly admitted.

Cal’s 24-year-old sister, Ellis Landreth, was upset when she found how about him being a victim of bullying.

“Can’t believe how awful kids are. My little brother’s made an Instagram reviewing and talking about books and kids in his new school have seen it and have created a group chat calling him a creep slagging him off about it and added him to it so he could see,” she posted online along with a screenshot of his Instagram account.

By posting the latter online, Ellis hoped that “20 or 30 of [her] friends [would] like a few of his posts or follow him or give him some words of encouragement.”

Next thing you know, her post was viewed by thousands of strangers, and her little brother began rapidly earning a massive following.

“People saw it and people just thought ‘it’s not right’ because it isn’t, then I started getting loads of comments from everyone showing their support,” Cal responded. “I just think it’s really nice that there’s still people in the world who are nice.”

Sunday, Callum had over 50,000 followers. Now? He has over 350,000 and counting!

Apart from gaining a large number of followers, likes on his posts, and kind comments, Cal was also reached out by publishers, authors, store owners, and other people, offering to send him books for free, so he can review them.

According to his mom, Carla Landreth, “He’s a very, very clever kid. He’s been reading since he was really young but he reads like Crime And Punishment and stuff that probably not your average 13-year-old would be interested in reading. He reads everything and anything.”

Here’s a little message for Cal’s haters: one day, you might just be working for him, so you might as well hit the books now, too!

View the following video for more on this story.

Source: Chronicle Live

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