Woman Loses 112 Pounds And Wins Beauty Pageant After Fiance Left Her Because Of Her Appearance

I think something our world could use less of is judgment. People judge others’ appearances, decisions, belief systems, parenting styles, actions, pasts, the list goes on. Although judgment can come in handy in some cases, when it’s used to put other people down, not so much.

Jen Atkins from Grimsby, North East Lincolnshire understands how it feels to be judged. When the now-26-year-old’s fiance broke off their engagement in 2015 because he considered her “too fat” after she gained 35 pounds during their engagement, she was in shambles. But there’s a very happy ending to this story.

Over the course of two years, Atkins, who once weighed 238 pounds, lost a whopping 112 pounds through exercise and a change in diet! She went from a size 22 to a size 10.

Now weighing 126 pounds, she decided to start participating in beauty pageants again. Last year, she had given her previous pageant life up, but it was something she wanted to give a go once more.

And it was a good thing she did because this year, she won the title of Miss Great Britain!

“I’m still in shock at winning, I’m so happy I can’t even put it into words – I honestly can’t believe it,” she said. “When I started doing this it was just for a bit of fun, I never imagined how far I would come.

Atkins considers her big win a triumph after her difficult past few years.

“Winning Miss Great Britain marks the end of a long and difficult, but also amazing, journey.”

Although she’s Miss Great Britain 2020, she remains humble after her victory.

“Although my body has changed so much I think don’t think my personality has, and I think that’s really helped me,” she explained. “The judges were able to see what kind of person I really am.”

Atkins will never forget the hardships she had to face to get to where she is today. She admitted that her previous habits contributed to her old weight and that the breakup with her fiance certainly didn’t help with that.

“On weekends, we’d turn into virtual recluses sitting on the sofa in our pajamas eating takeaways – spending $26 each time,” she said. “The day he left I thought my world had ended – I cried for weeks and used food as my comfort.”

Never did Atkins think that she’d be where she is today.

“It was such a shock – three years ago I would never ever expected to be winning Miss GB. I’m so incredibly honored to be the 75th Miss Great Britain, representing our country alongside my twin brother who runs for Team GB.”

With many competitors against her, she was even more stunned that she was the top dog of the beauty competition.

“There were 45 Miss Great Britain finalists and I was lucky to not only win the personality award but take home the crown and title of Miss Great Britain 2020,” she continued. “It felt absolutely incredible, I’m over the moon.”

But if anyone deserved the crown, it was her!

From her weight loss journey, to her new makeover which quickly followed her weight loss, to becoming Miss Great Britain 2020, and even to marrying a new man, Atkins has come far over the years. But her plans don’t stop there.

“I have so much in the pipeline for my reign, including the release of my next country single this spring,” she said.

Way to go, Miss Great Britain! You’re a woman of great strength.

Check out Atkin’s very impressive transformation below. She looks like an entirely different woman!

Source: Fox News

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