Veterinarians Offer At-Home Pet Euthanization To Give Animals And Pet Owners Greater Comfort

Last fall, I read an article where veterinarians discussed what really goes on behind closed doors when a pet is put to sleep. Most of the time, the owners opt out of watching their furry friends go under. Yet, the veterinarians in the article talked about why pet owners should consider staying during the euthanization process. In a way, I felt guilty because I’ve never watched my previous pets take their final breath when they had to be put to sleep for medical reasons. Either way, the decision isn’t an easy one.

But there’s a great euthanization service being offered to pet owners. Instead of asking owners if they want to come back into an intimidating room at the back of a clinic to watch as their pet gets put down, mobile vets are now allowing the euthanization process happen right in owners’ homes.

What’s the organization behind the in-home euthanization service? Lap of Love Veterinary Hospice.

Dr. Dani McVety, who’s apart of the clinic, loves doing what she does because she, too, would want to have a service like this for her own animals.

“We took [our dog] to a very nice clinic, and the euthanasia was done very well but it still wasn’t what I wanted it to be. Again, even though the experience was good. It just wasn’t everything it could have been,” she explained.

But now other pet owners have the opportunity to say a peaceful, meaningful goodbye to their pets in a familiar setting.

The veterinarian discusses exactly why at-home euthanization is, in her opinion, superior to euthanization in a clinical setting.

“Pets navigate this world by smell more than they do by sight. More of their brain is dedicated to that. So for them to be in their own surroundings, in their own bed, with their own smells…I just believe, and from my experience, that it keeps them much more calm.”

Although putting an animal to sleep isn’t a happy experience, Lap of Love vets aim to make the process as tranquil and as least stressful as possible.

“It’s an honor to do this. We love being a part of this memory. We love offering something that we might not be able to get anywhere else. Even if you do a peaceful euthanasia in a clinic, it might be beautiful and peaceful and great. But to have it done in the home is the most peaceful experience and the most peaceful environment that anyone including our animals can have.”

In the end, it makes sense why a pet owner would want to be there for their pet as they say goodbye.

“It’s the most raw thing you could ever experience – that you can have as a doctor – to visualize that, to witness that, and you get to see every piece of their life. You witness the ending of this. You’re not only losing a pet but losing a person. To me, it is the most honorable thing I could ever do as a veterinarian,” the veterinarian concluded.

Lap of Love’s popular service is currently offered in more than 30 states. And more than 130 registered veterinarians are currently partaking in the in-home euthanization service.

A veterinarian from the company not only comes to your home and ethically puts your pet to sleep, but they also offer sedation prior to euthanization to keep your pet calm as you say your final goodbyes. Lap of Love additionally provides a memory keepsake of your pet, a pet loss booklet, transportation for cremation (optional), and a formal notification about your pet’s passing to their veterinarian.

Find out more about the unique service below.

Source: Fox 5 NY

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