Teacher Gets Emotional When Students Donate Money To Have His Stolen Shoes Replaced

It’s sad to admit that we live in a world where there are dishonest people. There are folks out there guilty of cheating, lying, stealing, and manipulating to get what they want rather than simply doing what’s right from the getgo. While none of us are completely candid all the time, and we all have toxic thoughts that may encourage us to do bad things even if we don’t act on them, it’s unsettling to think that some people feel careless, or even joy, when they do something fraudulent.

Earlier this month, a Logan Frotenelle Middle School teacher named Trey Payne was devastated when he discovered that his favorite sneakers were stolen directly from his classroom. Not only was Mr. Payne attached to those particular shoes, but he also paid quite a bit of money for them. That said, he had every right to be upset.

Due to his concern about his pair of sneakers’ whereabouts, the news about the missing shoes was quickly told to his students. Although the shoes were never recovered, the middle schoolers decided to pool together enough money to help get the teacher a brand new pair of his favorite shoes.

Once the students were able to accumulate enough cash to get the shoes, they decided to record a video as they presented the gift to Mr. Payne. In the video, which has already been shared thousands of times on social media, the teacher immediately bursts into tears. A small part of him was happy to receive the shoes, but an even bigger part of him was emotional because he got the luxury of seeing such a touching act of kindness unfold right in front of him, something he never expected.

“It’s more than a pair of shoes, it’s about doing things to build everyone up around you,” Payne said. “I try to show my kids this and I think the lesson has sunk in for many, in turn, reaffirming my purpose and my ideals.”

Mr. Payne will forever be touched by his students’ grand gesture. The fact that this act came from middle schoolers is even more impressive. As someone who has had a very bad middle school experience, I, too, would have been bawling if a middle school student did something kind like this for me!

Watch Mr. Payne receive the shoes in the video below. If you liked the video, please share it on social media to encourage more teens like the students at Logan Frontelle Middle School to engage in acts of kindness!

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